Monday, January 21, 2008

Poor Blog

Poor blog, I feel I have been neglecting you in the excitement of the group project beginning.

Luckily I have something I want to talk about.
As I'm sure everybody knows, being an artist is hard sometimes. We've all had the 'Emo days' where you can't bear to look at your own work because you're convinced everyone in the world is better than you. It doesn't help when you're living with people who are on the same course as you either, as you have a direct comparison.
But you also have the days where you are so full of yourself you almost can't believe it. You've just finished something, it's awesome, everybody loves it, you're an art GOD.
But most of the time you have to live somewhere in the middle, caught between putting yourself down and bigging yourself up. You have to have some sort of ego going on, otherwise you'd never produce anything, but you also have to be self critical so you don't get complacent.

I can't seem to find a middle ground very easily. It's so easy to yo-yo between the two extremes and I doubt it's particularly healthy. My up days are pretty rare anyway. Pretty much as soon as I finish a project I worry I won't be able to do anything that interesting ever again. I have no idea where my creativity comes from and my method seems to simply be to work like blazes, which surely anyone could do?

But I seem to need to stress to drive myself onwards, and I am constantly striving to do better. We'll see how this translates into the group project work.

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