Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Living in a flat full of girls

Don't get me wrong, most of the time it's great. But occassionally....


A general panic has been created throughout the entire flat because of….. A SPIDER. The poor thing was about as big as a ten pence piece and has now been bludgeoned to death by a bedsheet, a shoe and a chair. It was also apparently of the undead variety of spider as it came back to life after its many beatings.

The alarm was raised by Jo pelting down the corridor to the kitchen screeching like a banshee. Everyone else then ran down to Jo’s room hiding behind Julia, who had nominated herself as the slayer of spiders. Then the beatings began. Seven girls versus one spider is hardly fair I think.

Everyone is now avoiding Jo’s room as if it was a plague pit. I don’t know how the dead spider will be removed.

1 comment:

d3adbang said...

Spider's have eight-legs ... that's a bit of an advantage! Clearly wasn't a ninja spider, those things are quicker than most italian cars!!