Monday, January 15, 2007

It's kind of disappointing how few people on my course know how to use a library. Or actually want to use a library at all. People would rather 'own' book than 'hire' them which I can kind of understand. But I like having so many things in one place that I might never think of buying, or might never consider reading unless I'd seen it on a library shelf. Plus why would I buy something if I wasn't sure I'd like it? I've read plenty of books that I've felt were terrible, but because it's borrowed I haven't really lost anything.
Plus the fact that my Mum works at a library so I can get all the great stuff like DVD rental for free...


Alex Holt said...

The freeness for you do make it kind of biased. Besides as one of those with whom this conversation was had, I do have hundreds of books around my house. When I started at secondary school there were probably more books in my house than there were at school, and my habits of buying books have generated huge piles of thigns I'll never read. Do I get to be in the clear now?

Michael Powell said...

oh mi god, gamers that read books - fantastic. now I've always suspected that gamers are more intelligent than most other students, now I'm getting closer to being able to prove it to the rest of the Uni.

go team!

Caroline Worsell said...

I do have books!! i DO read. I enjoy it....i just dont like libraries, the searching and remembering to return them gets on my nerves, thats why i dont like them. I like havings books all the times, im a strange person...u shud know that by now!! lol
In the words of i get to be in the clear now?

Louise Roberts said...

OK I forgive you both :)