Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Life drawing

I've found a life drawing class near me and I went last night. It was a bit weird and frustrating at first, but then it was almost like I hadn't been away from it. Here's my piece from the 50 minute pose at the end.
I've even drawn the face! I've always had a weird mental block about drawing faces - I've always been paranoid I'll get it wrong or offend people or something, so I just haven't done it. And that in turn makes me think I can't do it and feel horribly self conscious and it becomes a vicious cycle. But weirdly I'm starting to get over that, without really having done anything about it.

When I progress in art, it seems to feel like the knowledge or ability of how to do that thing has always been there and that the walls are just falling away rather than learning a new block of information. Almost like there's more space in my head for stuff rather than less. Does anybody else get that?

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